“Give children a chance to love the Earth, before we ask them to save it”- David Sobel.
Our “Connection to Earth” principle blends well with the Early Year’s Learning Frameworks concept of “Becoming”. We believe it is of the highest importance to protect our environment in order to ensure a more sustainable future for our children. Our playgrounds and programs are designed intentionally to assist children in developing a connection to the living world and the importance of caring for our environment.
Children learn responsibility for our environment by participating in a number of sustainable practices on a daily basis. Caring for our Centre pets, growing and harvesting fresh produce, caring for our native animals and their habitats, growing trees that attract birds and butterflies, observing our native bee hive, recycling and up-cycling materials, composting and worm farming, green cleaning and minimising the use of chemical products, using natural materials and reducing the use of plastic wherever possible are a few of the many things we do to make sustainability an everyday way of living.